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1. 提供物業資料進行初步估價

2. IPRC提供放售建議

3. 親臨IPRC填妥海外物業放售協議及提供物業擁有權証明

4. IPRC代為處理放售事務



The information, text, and images provided on this webpage are solely intended for reference purposes for individuals interested in the content of this webpage and do not constitute any investment advice. Purchasing undeveloped properties overseas is complex and carries risks. Before making a purchasing decision, you should carefully read all relevant materials and documents and seek independent professional advice. International Property Research Centre Limited and its sales personnel do not guarantee or represent that this content is absolutely accurate, correct, and complete, and no person or entity has an obligation or should be held responsible for this content. The sale of these products is subject to restrictions, including the content of contracts, correction of errors and omissions, previous sales, changes in terms and prices, and withdrawal from the market without prior notice. The information provided above is for reference only and does not constitute the entirety or any part or detail of the contract.

The information mentioned above is obtained from the designated websites of the development projects and/or the sales information websites of first-hand residential properties specified by the seller. The accuracy and truthfulness of such information shall be based on official records, and International Property Research Centre Limited cannot make any commitments or warranties regarding the accuracy and/or truthfulness of such materials and shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered by anyone using or relying on such materials. Such materials are for reference only.

International Property Research Centre Limited and its representatives are only associated with the sale of overseas properties in Hong Kong and are not required to be licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Chapter 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) nor are they authorized to obtain a license in Hong Kong.

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